Personal Code Of Ethics Theory Essay

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The theory that I have chosen is the Metaethics Theory. Metaethics theory is “the attempt to understand the metaphysical, epistemological, semantic, and psychological, presuppositions and commitments of moral thought, talk, and practice.” Or as better explained in an encyclopedia, “Metaethics is a branch of analytic philosophy that explores the scope of moral values, properties, and words.”
I find this theory to be closest to my own personal code of ethics. Rather than discussing on what is wrong and right, this theory along with my personal code are both based on the why morals are the way they are. The similarities I see in the Metaethics theory and my personal code of ethics are my codes are based on the morals and values that make me who I am, and not so much on the just because they are typically the right things to do. For example, one of my personal ethics is compassion. To me I don’t believe …show more content…

All the theory does is look more in depth on morals to figure out the meaning behind them, as to the theory having its own morals and codes which it does not have.
The differences between my personal code of ethics and the metaethics theory is my personal code is not very deep in meaning when explained. My personal code is what my morals and values are. The metaethics theory is more in depth defining on those morals and values. Rather than trying to decide right vs wrong, it looks more at the WHAT. For instance, “What is the nature of moral reason?” The theory tends to look at the larger image rather than just at the single pin pointed topic or value.
Disagreement wise on this theory is I don’t really see the point behind it for most cases. I can see the importance and use of it in some cases but for the majority of the time, not everything needs to be explained and question in such a depth as this theory does.