The Six Primary System Of Antinomianism

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ETHICS SYSTEMS REFLECTION PAPER ANDREA STENNETT-DUGGIN LIBERTY UNIVERSITY MAY 22, 2018 Six Major Ethics Systems Ethics are a set of values or principles that outline a guiding philosophy for a group or individual (“Ethic”, 2018). There are many different systems for ethical belief systems, this discussion will deal with the six primary systems of antinomianism, situationism, generalism, and unqualified, conflicting, and graded absolutism. Each system has an independent belief system on the guiding principles of what is right and wrong with the common elements of subjects and predicates (Duska, Duska, & Ragatz, 2011, p. 35). Antinomianism Antinomianism is based of the Greek words for “against” and “law”, which is a Christian based value system that is centered around the rejection of the Mosaic Law …show more content…

Augustine is a teacher of unqualified absolutism, which is an ethical system based on the belief that there are many moral absolutes and those absolutes should never be broken regardless of the outcome (Geisler, n.d.). The moral precept guiding this system is that it is always possible to make the right decision or avoid doing something immoral regardless of the individual situation (McCallum, n.d.). Conflicting Absolutism Choosing the lesser evil in a moral debate with oneself is the guiding principle to conflicting absolutism, this system allows that a person may be put into a situation where choosing to do something viewed as morally wrong may be the best-case scenario according to the individual (McCallum, n.d.). Graded Absolutism This ethical system holds that there are an abundance of moral absolutes, although they are graduated in importance (Geisler, n.d.). Under this system, the more valuable of moral absolutes is regarded a preference in relation to the situation. It may be morally acceptable to break a moral absolute if a higher moral absolute is applicable to the situation (Geisler, n.d.). Defense for Graded