Adam Orange Essay Sample

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JUICED UP !" Adam Orange was a citric cajoler of circumstance. Happenchance had him selling lemons in a mosque on St. Swithin 's Day, not a very wise move considering his ankles had become snipped by malignant marzipan-chasing ombudsmen looking for salvation in their lunch hour. Over in Hull, northern England, hoary pendants had become irredeemably irreversable due to the colour of their fragmented formulae. Not only were they now translucent, but they had built up a fibric undertone crusted way beyond its disposition. Jenny Grapefruit took up the story......................... "When I saw the termination of Judaism challenged by a catastrophic fall in the price of Granny Smith 's apples, I knew for all the world that market places all over had become …show more content…

I confess that I was very tired toward the end of my search, and basically didn 't give a rat 's arse for those pedantic record books. However, I pulled myself together emotionally and finished the job. Before I begun my journey, I decided to add spice to the challenge ahead, by using a penknife instead of a shovel to perform my "dig". This obviously took a little longer to achieve my target. In fact, it damn near killed me, but that is another story. Now, as I sit in this hospital bed a week later, having accrued a broken pelvis, eleven broken ribs, one broken arm, "Athlete 's Foot", jaundice, not to mention irreversable dehydration, I ponder upon the logic of my achievement. Frankly, there wasn 't any. But, as they say, if the Mountain won 't come to Mohammed, Mohammed has to go to the

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