Adhd Physical Education

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Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, “is defined as a persistent pattern of inattention or hyperactivity with impulse behaviors that are more inappropriate, excessive, frequent, and severe than are observed in children of comparable development” (Winnick & Porretta, 2017, p. 218). ADHD is said to be “caused by chemical, structural, and connectivity differences in the brain, mostly as a result of genetics” (Frank, 1998). ADHD can persist throughout adolescence and into adulthood due to it being a neurological condition (Frank, 1998) as “an estimated 5 percent of children and 2.5 percent of adults have ADHD” (, therefore it is important to teach young children with ADHD how to handle the condition and themselves so …show more content…

This is done by appropriate and effective programming that is based on the understanding of relationships of the factors that affect learning. The usage of multiple approaches and differentiated instruction will allow for a more complete teaching. RTI allows the physical educator to work directly with special education teachers. Safety for all students is always of the utmost importance. This includes physical as well as psychological safety. The environment of a PE class should be supportive and structured, as well as having consistent and proactive approaches to behavior and instructional management. Clear, concise, and consistent routines are recommended for students with learning disabilities. This will provide a more comfortable learning environment. Reducing waiting time will also reduce behavior problems. When teaching students with learning disabilities, keep instructions simple and use prompts or cues to help guide students. Giving students positive feedback will also provide a more positive experience for children with disabilities. If necessary, make modifications. When it comes to inclusion, it must be done the correct way in order for students to get the most out of PE. Children with ADHD could also benefit from a learning through movement approach. Having students complete a relaxation activity might allow for them to handle emotions, anxiety, or stress. Parents will play a huge role in the amount of success a child with ADHD will have in youth sports. It is important to pick the correct sport as well as coach to provide the best experience for children. (Winnick & Porretta, 2017, pp. 224-231) There are an infinite amount of ways to improve physical education for those with learning