Adolescent Boundaries

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High school and college are the years in which adolescents and young adults explore their limits and abilities. Boundaries are set, and risk taking behaviors and impulsivity are at an all-time high (Roberti, 2004.) Common behaviors that involve risk seen during these years include unprotected and unsafe sex (Dévieux, Malow, Stein, Jennings, Lucenko, Averhart, & Kalichman, 2002), fighting, illegal use of substances, alcohol use (Roberti, 2004), binge drinking (Steinberg, 2008), smoking (Tymula, Belmaker, Roy, Ruderman, Manson, Glimcher, & Levy, 2012), reckless driving, truancy and participation in illegal activities, such as vandalism and trespassing (Roberti, 2004.) These actions are typically viewed by the adult population as damaging and