Adolf Hitler's Impact On The History Of Europe

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Throughout the history of the world, many great leaders have come and gone. While they were doing so, they left and unbelievable mark on the world. Historical figures such as Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great left a big impact on western civilizations in Europe with the way they ruled with their “iron fists” and their armies were considered some of the best in the world at the time. Though these leaders had a big mark on where they were, one person, who could arguably have the biggest impact on the history of Europe, would be a man by the name of Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was the German leader or “Fuhrer”. He is vastly known for being the symbol of the Nazi party, or “National Socialist” party, and being the sole controller over this party. Hitler could easily be considered to be a great leader because of his feats, though some would think otherwise considering what he had done during World War II. …show more content…

He had many other siblings as he was growing up, but three of which died during infancy, but didn’t really affect him as whole. At a young age, Hitler was a very talented and bright child. When he was younger, he wanted to become an artist, but his Father, Alois Hitler, wasn’t having it. This started a dispute between him and his father which separated them. When Hitler’s other brother, Edmund, had died after contracting the measles, his personality had become extremely affected. It deeply affected Hitler, as he went from being a confident young child to detached, depressed and rebellious. Many people would believe that this is what sparked him to become Germany’s Fuhrer and essential dictator, though it was unbeknown to Hitler

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