Adolf Hitler's Informative Speech

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Adolf Hitler brainwashed Germans into thinking he would be a great President and how he would make everyone 's lives better and then eventually he was elected. Everything started in 1930 and continued till 1945, which was end of WWII and he persecuted the Jews. He used his power to murder twelve million Jews.Now Berlin’s memorial for the Holocaust is paying respect to all of the people that died. Hitler’s party was called Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which stands for Nazi. The Nazi party was founded in 1920. The Nazis were like another party called Reds, which was another threatening party. In 1933 there was an organisation created and named Hitler Youth, founded in 1933. Hitler Youth was looking for young boys (14-18) and healthy. They were looking for young boys that are healthy because he wanted people that would be able to survive and the young people have a big impact on the political force, that can change Germany’s future.Hitler Youth’s motto was “Blood and Honour.” Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, 1889 and had fourth brother and three sisters. A few of …show more content…

I think this memorial is reasonable because it’s a moment in history and it was a big moment too, a lot of the dates were recorded because of how important it was. I really think all memorials are there for a reason because they are important in their own way. Also this memorial is paying respect to all of the people that died from Hitler, mostly Jews. I think the Holocaust memorial looks the way it does because the stone slabs stand for caskets to give respect for all of the people that died. There were 2711 Concrete Slabs used to make this memorial. Peter Eisenman designed the build. Some of the Concrete Slabs go up to sixteen feet tall. Many things are represented by this memorial to me. I see the gas houses on the really tall slabs and on the not so tall ones I see caskets. It almost looks like a maze because there are so many. This memorial is in Berlin and it should always