Adoption Microaggressions

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The proposed research is designed to create a questionnaire for researchers and practitioners to use to assess an Adoptee’s experience of oppression resulting from their adoption status. This questionnaire is derived from the current research on Adoption Microaggression themes found in earlier research conducted by Baden (2015); Garber and Grotevant (2015); Garber (2014); and Harrington et al (2010). This study attempts to confirm earlier research on the themes of adolescent adoptee’s experiences and if any of these themes continue on into the adult adoptee’s experience. Specifically using Sue et al’s (2007) microaggression framework this questionnaire can be used to understand the adult adoptee’s experiences or perceptions of oppression that …show more content…

(2007) framework on Microaggressions as applied to adoption. Currently the research on Adoption Microaggressions has been limited to adolescent adoptees and their adoptive families. As such the intent is to extend the research on adolescent adoptees experience of Microaggressions to the adult adoptee population. Garber (2014) and Garber and Grotavent (2015) culled from interviews with 156 adolescents in the Minnesota/Texas Adoption Research Project (MTARP) and found 15 themes related to adoption microaggressions (see table 1). The found the most common theme impacting adolescents’ perception of themself, as adoptees was “Silence about adoption” with 222 incidences mentioned in their interviews. Followed by “Overly intrusive questions about adoption” with 86 incidences mentioned and “Assumptions of Bionormativity” with 62. Harrington et al. (2010) conducted interviews with 46 families who have adopted from China with Baden (2015), a contributing author to the Harrington et al., searching online collecting comments or statements from those in the Adoption Triad analyzing for themes related to adoption microaggressions. They found 14 themes specifically related to adoption, of which only 8 apply to the adoptee, of these 3 were the same as suggested by Garber (2014) and Garber and Grotevant (2015). They found the most common theme impacting adoptees was “Biology is best” with 55 incidences reported followed by “Bad see adoptees” with 9 incidences and “Grateful adoptees” with 8 incidences. Leaving us with 20 themes to incorporate into a questionnaire for adult