Definition Essay On Family

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According to the dictionary, family is defined as parents and children living together in a household. This definition does not take into account life experiences, physical locations,society norms, and personal beliefs. While we can agree as to the universal understanding of family as blood relatives for most of us the meaning of family is not that simple. Who is family? The answer to that is who do people label as family? It usually means those we are biologically connected such as brothers, sisters, parents and extended kin. But to others their family can be made up of close friends.We all know someone whose traditional family is not able to be that for its members. So a family could paint a very different picture than the traditional one of father, mother, and a couple of kids. Some people may even consider their pets as members of the family. Families with adoption as part of their story are not biological connected but the bond is just as strong as the physical ones. …show more content…

Is it a close knit group that talk daily and are involved in your day to day life? It could be that you are only involved with your family on special occasions or holidays. You make keep your family life and friends separate or not. There may be some you consider to be family and they do not feel that way about you. Therefore, family could mean a daily presence or a thing you check in with from time to time. We know some families that live and work together so that their daily lives involve more than one generation and may even have extended family in the daily mix. When is there a family? Does it take the birth of a child to make a family? Not every family has children, There are those couples that are unable to have children, They should not be considered less than a family unit. It takes only a minimum of two people to make a family. When a group of people decide to call themselves a family that is the defining of