Adult Grief Group Paper

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Adult Grief Group- 9 week closed group for adults ages 18+ages. The group goes through each step of grief along with a focus on specific struggles such as holidays, change of roles after death of l loved one and spiritual reflection. The groups are set up for 8 clients per clinician all groups(if more than one) for 20 min Psycho education then splints into the groups to provide time for each client to share and seek peer support. This is an extensive program designed to guide a individual through grief work to a place of hope beyond grief. I usually dedicate one week to a project that includes art Therapy for adults. Journal topic is given as homework. Draw, think, write etc. (active 15 mins of grief work) outside of group. Children Grief Group- The children 's grief group is a coinciding curriculum with the adult program with the home of touching a whole family who is grieving. The children 's group is a art based therapy group... I start out with a 15- 20 gross motor exercise followed by a snack and beverage 10-20 mins(protein/crabs like cheese sticks and grapes) to keep the children 's energy up and interest. During snack time we sit together and discuss the topic for the week. The time spent on this is depended on ages enrolled. If there are large gaps in age groups children will be separated to appropriate group ages. …show more content…

Boundaries group is a 4 week closed group... but can be open group if clinician sees it successful. This class takes clients who have difficulty setting boundaries for others in their lives or those who have poor boundaries for their behaviors and challenges their thinking. By teaching the client to create healthy boundaries they can build healthier interpersonal relationships, diminish stress in their lives and teach the client how to respect others and themselves. The format of this group is the same as the grief group there will be a 20 min interactive psycho education portion and then the group will be able to share and problem solve

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