Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Essay

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Nurse Practitioner can be defined as a person who has met the qualifications for certified nurse practitioner and has been licensed by the Department. According to the state of Illinois, all Advanced Practice Nurses may only practice according to the national certification and Act.
Unlike the other states, Illinois has only one title everyone refers to for Nurse practitioner which is Advanced Practice Nurse (APN). The agency that regulates Nurse Practitioners is the Board of Nursing. The qualifications needed for APN are: must earn a graduate degree or post-masters certificate. An application fee of $125 is applied for each category of licensure. This fee is nonrefundable.
A collaborating physician who delegates prescriptive authority to an advanced practice nurse should include that delegation in the written collaborative agreement. The prescriptive authority is mentioned in Section 1300. 430 of the Rules for Administration of the Illinois Nurse …show more content…

APNs in the state of Illinois can assess and diagnose the patient, order diagnostic and therapeutic tests, order treatments, provide palliative and end-of-life care. However, the prescriptive authority is as mentioned above. The APNs in Illinois works with a physician always. They are not fully independent as other states. During a labor, the APN must have a certified nurse midwife at presence. Another interesting factor about the state of Illinois is, the collaborating physician and the APN should meet in person at least once a month to provide collaboration and consultations.
Overall, In Illinois, the APNs does not have as much as autonomy like the other states. Because APNs must meet with the collaborating physician every month can be beneficial due to the partnership and will aid to learn from the physician but it can also stop the APN from growing