
Advantage And Disadvantage Of E-Learning

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I. Introduction/Overview
Today, the development of information technology brings people many useful applications that help them to work more efficiently, save time, money, and maximize productivity. Online learning (E-learning) is one of many useful applications that benefits many enterprises. According to website talentlms.com, E-learning is an online tool that “allows both students and business executives to learn anywhere and at any time. You can learn from virtually any place with a computer or mobile device and internet connection, meaning you can study from home, on vacation or in your break.” Because of its advantages, more and more enterprise decided to use E- learning to deliver training to their employee.

II. Analysis of Advantages/Disadvantages …show more content…

Advantages of E-learning
• Saving time and money
Different from traditional learning, E-learning can save a lot of money for a company because E-learning does not require room rentals or equipment expense. It also reduces traveling cost for both instructors and learners. According to elearningindustry.com, “Corporations now report that e-Learning is the second most valuable training method that they use. This is no surprise, given that e-Learning saves businesses at least 50% when they replace traditional instructor-based training with e-Learning.”
• Saving time
With E-learning, both instructors and learners can save a lot of time for traveling from home to classroom training, that is very beneficial for employee who are busy with their job. “As eLearning can be done on laptops, tablets and phones – it is a very mobile method. Learning can be done on the train, on a plane or any other time that could normally be wasted. Whilst you used to be confined to the classroom, the whole world can now be your classroom” (optimuslearningservices.com). “According to Brandon-Hall study, e-learning typically requires from 40 percent to 60 percent less employee time than the same material delivered in a traditional classroom setting” …show more content…

From the time of enrollment to completion, people can study according to their schedule, and do not be constrained by the time and space of the classroom. They can access to the course anytime and anywhere they want, from their home, to their work place, even in another country. “E-Learning can be done in short chunks of time that can fit around your daily schedule. Unlike public scheduled and in-house training, you don’t have to dedicate an entire day to the training that has been organised by your company. Instead, you will have a set amount of learning, normally divided into modules, so you can work on those topics you want to focus on.” (optimuslearningservices.com)
2. Disadvantage of E-learning
• Lack of control and requirement of self-discipline
Because of the nature of E-learning, there is no fixed schedule meeting like traditional learning, people who using E-learning need to have self-discipline in order to keep up with their course. People who lack of self-discipline are more likely to fall behind in the online courses.

• Lack of

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