Advantages And Disadvantages Of Antietam

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Ordinary Northern boys were much less prepared than their Southern counterparts for military life. The North was much less fortunate in its higher commanders. These disadvantages were important, because as the Northern strength were brought to bear, they outweighed those of the South 27. Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell:
America’s first female physician, an abolitionist, helped organize the U.S. Sanitary Commission to assist the Union armies in the field. Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell was important, because she was the first female doctor in America
U.S Sanitary Commission: Elizabeth Blackwell helped organize the U.S. Sanitary Commission to assist the Union armies in the field. The Commission trained nurses, collected medical supplies, and equipped …show more content…

McClellan succeeded in halting Lee at Antietam on September 17, 1862, in one of the bitterest and bloodiest days of the war. Antietam was more or less a draw militarily. But Lee retired across the Potomac. The landmark Battle of Antietam was one of the decisive engagements of world history, probably the most decisive of the Civil War. Bloodily Antietam also provided Lincoln with the long-awaited opportunity to launch his Emancipation Proclamation. 29. Emancipation Proclamation:
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, declared “forever free” the slaves in those Confederate states still in rebellion. The Emancipation Proclamation was stronger on proclamation than emancipation. Lincoln’s goal was not only liberate the slaves but also to strengthen the moral cause of the Union at home, abroad and as a result, his proclamation clearly foreshadowed the ultimate doom of slavery. 30. Gettysburg:
As the Battle of Gettysburg raged, a Confederate peace delegation was moving under a flag of truce toward the Union lines near Norfolk, Virginia. The victory at Gettysburg belonged to Lincoln, who refused to allow the Confederate peace mission to pass through Union lines. 31. Ulysses S. …show more content…

Red-haired and red-bearded, grim-faced and ruthless, he captured Atlanta in September 1864 and burned the city in November of that year. Although his methods were brutal, he probably shortened the struggle and hence saved lives, “Sherman the Brute” was universally damned in the South. 33. “radical” Republicans:
It was dominated by “radical” Republicans who resented the expansion of presidential power in wartime and who pressed Lincoln zealously on emancipation. “radical” Republicans were important, because they supported abolition of slavery. 34. Assassination of Lincoln:
In 1865, John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the head. A large number of his countrymen had not suspected his greatness. But his dramatic death helped to erase the memory of his shortcomings and caused his nobler qualities to stand out in clearer relief. Increasing numbers of southerners perceived that Lincoln’s death was a calamity for them and also the assassination increased the bitterness in the North. 35. Andrew Johnson:
Andrew Johnson, 17th president of the United States, came to office after Lincoln's assassination and opposed Radical Republicans. Andrew Johnson kept the northern states from taking advantage of the weaken states.
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