Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dalits

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:- Dalit is marathi word which means ground or broken into pieces. it was popularised by dalit panthers in maharashtra which mean schedule caste population. dalits generally refers to the schedule caste population in indian varna system. They were placed low in the caste hierarchy because of which there was inequality and were oppressed and exploited most. dalits comprise about 15 *% of indian population. According to the 2001 census dalit comprise 16.2 percent of the indian population. Spread throughout Maharashtra , Bihar , U.P , Punjab ,W. Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Rajasthan , Orissa, etc. researches show that the condition of dalits in india have not shown improvment despite having policies for development.
As a result of the protective discrimination policies of government there has been a new elite class dalit population coming into fore who get easy access of the policies of the government for Dalit development.

Political mobilization of dalits:

1. Pre independence period:- At all India level B.R. Ambedkar articulated the dalit 's interest for the first time in 1920s. Prior to Ambedkar there had been reforms brought about by Phule in Maharashtra but it was reform not mobilisation for political objectives. Ambedkar has been the sole spokesperson for dalit issues after 1919 and because of this only had been having differences with congress.
In 1930s Ambedkar and Phule had firm belief that unless caste is abolished

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