
Learning And Education: The Importance Of E-Learning

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Once Swami Vivekananda said, “Ignorance is the curse of God; Learning/ knowledge is the wing which can fly us to heaven”. The training by which the current and expression of will are brought under control and become fruitful is called education/ learning.” i.e. “Learning and Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.”1 On the basis of above mentioned quotation we can say: Learning is an activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught or through experience. There are several types of learning viz. educational psychology, neuropsychology, learning theory, and pedagogy. Learning does not occur all at once but is based on previous knowledge. It may be goal-oriented and or aided by motivation. …show more content…

In higher education, e-Leaning refers to the use of both software-based and online learning. Before the use of internet, distance courses were offered to students to provide education on particular subjects. In 1840’s Isaac Pitman taught shorthand to his learners via correspondence. His students sent him completed assignments via mail system and he would then send them more work to be finished, to improve their writing speed.7 During a COMPUTER BASED TECHNIQUES (CBT) Systems seminar in Los Angeles, a new word was used for the first time in a professional environment – ‘e-Learning’. Associated with such expressions as 'online learning ' or 'virtual learning '. This word was meant to qualify "a way to learn based on the use of new technologies by allowing access to online resources or interactive and sometimes personalized training through the Internet or other electronic media (intranet, extranet, interactive TV, CD-Rom, …show more content…

It allowed students to tests themselves. It was an abysmal failure.  1954 : Harvard Professor BF Skinner creates the “Teaching Machine” for use in schools which enabled schools to administer programmed instruction to their students.  1960 : Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations (PLATO) was the first Computer Based Training (CBT) program. This computer based training program (or CBT program) was known as PLATO-Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations. It was originally designed for students attending the University of Illinois, but ended up being used in schools throughout the area.  1966 : Stanford University Psychology Professor Patrick Suppes and Richard C. Atkinson began using Computer Aided Instruction (C.A.I.) to teach maths and reading to young children. Bernard Luskin worked with Stanford University to install the first computer in a community college for instructional

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