Free And Open Source Software Advantages And Disadvantages

1006 Words5 Pages
Department of Computing and Library Information Science
College of Engineering and Computing
University of Southern Mindanao
Kabacan, Cotabato


Mrs . Catherine Daffon

October 19, 2017


Free and open-source software also known as FOSS is a software developed by an informal collaborative network of a programmer. The source code is licensed free of charge. It refers to limited restriction on user as well as no cost at all. The rising popularity of FOSS has been gaining on widely market because of its no restriction on user that can anyone see, inspect and modify and enhance.
Source code (according to TechTarget) is the fundamentals component of a computer program that is created by a programmer/developer. It is a section of a software that the computer user don’t see. It is a code that the programmer manipulate to create and change how a certain program or software is created and manipulated. Programmers/Developers who have access to computer source code by fixing bugs, improve functions or adapt the product software to suit their needs.
The Advantage of Free and Open source software compare to propriety software are Cost, Developer Support, Security Issue, Customization but before that what is propriety software? Propriety Software or widely known as Commercially Available Software from word itself “Propriety” thus software is owned by a certain individual or

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