
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fresh Water In South Africa

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Water, the lifeblood of the human race is fast becoming one of South Africa’s scarcest resources. Water plays a huge role in the economy of South Africa and is a crucial resource in almost all sectors of the economy from agriculture to mining and everything in between.

The report will discuss in-depth the various sources of fresh water currently available in South Africa. It will also discuss desalination as a new primary source of water as well as analyse the advantages and disadvantages of desalination as a whole.
2. Available Sources of Freshwater in South Africa
2.1 Rainwater
When evaporated water rapidly cools in the atmosphere it falls back to the earth in the form of rain. This water source forms the basis as the main source of water in South Africa. Rainwater is collected in dams such as the Teewaterskloof throughout the country wherein the water is then transported around the country to the people of South Africa.
2.2 Rivers
Rainwater that does not flow or is not collected in dams or other catchment areas runs into the main rivers of South Africa, namely the Orange River, the Breede River and the Limpopo river. The water is then pumped out of the river and is used to supply a large amount of water to the people of South Africa.
2.3 Ground water
Ground water consists of water, mainly as a result of rain, that seeps into the earth’s surface through soil or other mediums. This water then collects in underground reservoirs and aquifers. These reservoirs

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