Airline Scheduling What are the factors that affect the scheduling process?
Consider maintenance efficiency goals, flight operations factors and facility constraints Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of hub-and-spoke scheduling
FORMAT: executive summary ¾ of page font size 12
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Background Info - liting
Advantages and disadvantages of airline scheduling - zhiyu
Factors affecting scheduling process - kaijie & mal
Introduction of Hub and Spoke system - Joy advantages and of hub-and-spoke scheduling- Joy disadvantages of hub-and-spoke scheduling - mu en
*** Remember to take down website where information is found!!
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Maintenance efficiency involves minimization of aircraft out-of-service time, maximization of aircraft and components lifespan, optimization of personnel and workload and maximization of usage facilities. There are four types of maintenance scheduling personnels must take note. Firstly, the A check. This is a light check usually overnight carried out monthly. Secondly, the B check, a light check carried out every 3-5 months. Thirdly, the C check. This is a heavy-maintenance check carried out in the hangar every 15-21 months. Lastly, the D check, the most demanding and comprehensive check known as the heavy maintenance visit (HMV). It occurs around every 6 years and requires several months in a hangar. Failure to maintain a plane have dire consequences from license revoke to loss of lives. Hence, aircraft maintenance schedule is an important factor to reflect in airline scheduling process.
4.2 General Crewing Availability
Crews are very essential in managing and handling aircraft operations both in air and on land.Scheduling the availability of crews is therefore very important as without the crew , the aircraft might not be safe ,might not be ready or delay in aircraft departure.
One constraint of crew availability is the long-haul crewing constraint. On long-haul flights, crews may not be used continuously, which during a 14 hour tour of duty, only includes 1 ½ hours of pre/postflight time and there is a 12 hour rest period . As a result , crews are changed at slip airports and a specific timing must be scheduled in order for the crews to be replaced by new fresh crews, who then will be ready to tend the next