Advantages And Disadvantages Of Mobile Phones In Public Places

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As technology continues to improve, the usage of cell phones continues to increase too. The increase in using cell phones over the last decade has been unbelievable; and the cell phone itself has become a common facilitate for all ages all around the world. When people hear about the cell phone,majority of them usually see the positive sides and its benefits, but ignoring the risks of this small device which isquite serious and somehow dangerous.It has bad effects on health, it is a disturbing tool, because some people talk so loud in the public places which may annoy others and also sometimes it may be the cause that we forget about some works, and etc. So, majority of people who became aware of these disadvantagesin European and American countriesbegan using their cell phones less than before. Using too much of cell phones may cause serious damages like brain’s disease and cancer. According to many reports which have been published over the last few decades, mobile phones transmit and receive Radio frequency signals in order to communicate. This radiation is also referred to as microwave radiation or electromagnetic radiation. As a result it may cause disturbance in sleep, difficulty in concentration, weakness and headache. Additionally, talking too much on the phone may cause some hearing problems and brain infections. Thus, people should be more careful and consider the disadvantages too. Mostly cell phone conversations in public places aren’t rude, but may have the