Advantages And Disadvantages Of Native American Conquistadors

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The Europeans and Asians ended up conquering so much of the world because as Jared Diamond said, “those living in temperate climates with indigenous animals that could be domesticated were more likely to develop advanced civilizations.” This allowed for the Europeans and Asians to build larger establishments. The Europeans and Asians also had fertile crescent plants and agriculture. The fact that they had domesticated animals, advanced technology, and developing steel as a use for weaponry. The use of steel for weapons was especially benefiting to the Spanish Conquistadors. The accomplishment of written language gave them an edge over the Incas. They also had an advantage over the Incas because of their advanced weapons which included guns and steel swords. Guns and steel swords allowed the Spanish to conquer the Inca army, and take control of their empire along with its riches. This further allowed them to conquer so much of the world. …show more content…

Many diseases came from animals such as smallpox, influenza, tuberculosis, malaria, the plague, cholera, and the Ebola virus to name a few. Not being able to have the option of domesticating animals did come as a disadvantage. Africa’s native animals included not so nice giraffes, lions, zebras, hippo, and elephants. These animals were brutal and would hurt you if you came near to them and tried to touch them in any way. Domesticated livestock was good for milk, plowing, clothing, rope and net, leather, fertilizer, germs, and transport. Horses gave the Spanish Conquistadors a psychological and military advantage over the Aztec and Incan