Advantages And Disadvantages Of Visual Learners

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INTRODUCTION Learning is an everyday activity for every human being regardless of their age. Knowingly or unknowingly everybody do learn every day. Learning then can be classified into everyday life and educational learning. Educational learning is also now available to almost everyone. This includes learning by going to school or any other place and also learning something educational in any other way too. This even includes home schooling and even online schooling. Learners can be classified very broadly. But mainly learners are people who are trying to acquire some kind of knowledge or skills through different ways or sources. Learning can occur in different environments such as class rooms, in actual field works and in fact learning can occur anywhere, whether it is through another person or source or through experience form your own work and experience. In this manner it is very important for learners to identify and find the best way to acquire knowledge or a set of skills. This would …show more content…

This is because diagrams and other visual aids are often used very less. Therefore to overcome this problem visual learners often have to find and get subject related charts and diagrams on their own from internet and other sources such as books and articles. In the learning environment this mainly happens because visual learners are comparatively less and it is difficult for the people who teach to prepare these sorts of visual aids all the time. Another huge problem faced by visual-spatial learners is that their teacher or tutor thinks that they do not concentrate or listen in the class. This is because visual learners do not talk and interact in the class that much. Therefore the person teaches these types of learners thinks that these types of students are thinking about something

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