Paulo Freire The Banking Concept Of Education Summary

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Paulo Freire argues that the relationship between a teacher and a student is a system of oppression. Where a teacher has absolute and total control over their students’ way of thinking. Freire refers to this as “The Banking Concept of Education,” where teachers teach and students listen and don’t question what they are being told. In the banking concept, teachers are depositing and students are the depositories. To Freire the banking system of education is destroying creativity and individualism in student. The teachers are storing information into their student’s minds. The students are expected to memorize what they are being told and can recall when they are asked to. Student’s don’t argue or question what they are being told, they just …show more content…

He was embarrassed of his parent’s lack of education, that “he cannot afford to admire his parents” (Rodriguez 20). He was embarrassed of his roots, his uneducated parents, and the fact that he received an education because he was a “scholarship boy.” When Richard found himself through books and the finest institutions, he gave up the little control he had over himself to every teacher he ever had. In the banking concept, Freire refers to students as an object, a puppet that can be manipulated by an instructor. In such a system students aren’t asked to exercise their critical thinking skills, because a teacher has superior and they are believed to hold all the knowledge. In the banking concept, what an instructor said was always correct, what they say was definite it was the word of the land. Since, his parents had no education, “[the scholarship boy] …makes a father-figure of his form-master” (Rodriguez 20). The former-master being his teacher, Richard became delighted when he was praised by his teachers. He would stay afterschool pursed his teachers undivided attention. He worked hard to be noticed by his teachers, and looked up to them for