Essay On Higher Education In Latin America

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Higher Education in Latin America Higher education is the next stage of formal education after completing secondary education, and this stage is an optional one. The United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 states in Article 13, Section 2c that “higher education shall be made equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education”. According to UNESCO 2014 Regional Report about Education for All in Latin America and the Caribbean, there were a rapid increase in higher education enrolment rate in the region, predominantly in the period of 2000 to 2010. The higher education enrolment rate increased for about …show more content…

This is an achievement in the education sector of the government and the nation. Brazil is one of the countries in the region to implement a nationwide university admission examination that happens every October of the year. However, this official university admission examination just started in 2009. Traditionally, every university in Brazil have their own entrance exam, known as vestibular. Vestibular is a test, with one or two stages, where topics imparted during the secondary education were applied and asked. Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio or ENEM was another entrance exam launched as a means of evaluating the quality of Brazilian secondary education. It first started in 1998 but in 2009, the Brazilian Ministry of Education recognized it as the official university admission examination. This entrance examination replaced public universities’ vestibular and is used as basis for the admission of hundreds of Brazilian students that take it every year. Many private institutions also adopted the said system in determining the students that they will admit in their campuses. In general, ENEM can …show more content…

As of today, Cuban system of Higher Education is composed of 68 higher education institution including 3150 university sites. All these universities and institutions are under Ministerio de Education Superior or MES which is responsible for the management of the institutions, regulating school policies, and guaranteeing that these universities fulfill with government ideals. Education in Cuba is also free, from primary education to higher education. Universities and institutions offering higher education have admission examinations that the students need to take before being admitted in the university. However, before they take the entrance examination, the students must receive first a political clearance from the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (Comités de Defensa de la Revolución or CDR), stating that they established a good political standing regarding their Communist principles thus permitting them to take the higher education admission examination. To enter the university, each student is required to show proof that they completed their secondary education and especially, pass the entrance examination. Men, however, have a special requirement. Male students must need to show proof that they completed the compulsory military service (which last