Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Argumentative Essay

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Mark Twain Twain was raised s Presbyterian. He was probably what would be considered a deist in reality, though many contend he was an atheist. Twain I think was skeptical about religion, he had many issues, like maybe most notable was the issue of epistemology, “how can we be sure of what we believe or claim you know.” Some people think he was fond of religion and some people think he didn’t like it so I guess it just depends on your thoughts and what you’ve read from what I’ve read I think he was an atheist because he’s talking about like “I cannot see how a man of any large degree of humorous perception can ever be religious.” But he also did say that “sometimes I believed death ended everything, but most of the time he felt sure of a life …show more content…

Mark Twain Hannibal, Missouri he had an apprenticeship with a printer he worked as a typesetter and contributed articles to the newspaper of his older brother. When mark twain was 11, his dad was an attorney and judge, died of pneumonia. Twain wrote Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which pretty much solidified him as an American writer, this book was kind of an offshoot from tom sawyer but I personally liked it, it was more of a serious tone. Mark Twain was also a big supporter in the civil rights movement, he paid for one black man to attend Yale Law School, and another one to attend a southern university to become a minister to me I think that’s so cool of him to do that especially back then because a lot of people were still racist and he didn’t believe in that. As the war began, the people of Missouri angrily split between support for the union and the confederacy. Clemons opted for the latter, joining the Confederate Army in June 1861 I think that is brave of him and I respect him for that. Even though he had a very good life and successful and got a lot of rewards but it also made him anguish. Early in his marriage him and his wife lost their toddler son to diphtheria in 1896, they lost their daughter at the age of 24 and she was his favorite daughter and that loss broke his heart that just added to his grief he was just very depressed and was distant to his wife and