Adverse And Near Miss Events In Nursing Research

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Adverse and near-miss events occur in the real-world of nursing practice. The difference between an adverse event and a near miss is the outcomes of the event. Adverse events cause harm to the patient through medical care and may be through negligence, which can be preventable (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2016). A near miss is an event that might reach the patient but does not cause harm to the patient. For instance, a near miss error may reach the patient. However, the near miss event, due to chance or detection through interventions does not cause harm to the patient (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2016; Sheikhtaheri, 2014).
A near miss event occurred two weeks ago in a small rural hospital on a labor and delivery unit. A patient presented to the labor and delivery unit in labor. The patient was a gravida four and para three at 35-weeks gestation with a history of precipitous labors and a previous cesarean section. Upon vaginal examination, the patient was dilated to a six and the physician ordered for the patient to be admitted. The standard protocol of admitting a labor patient, which included lab work, patient history, the signing of consents, and establishing an intravenous (IV) access. During the admission process, the patient’s labor progresses and requests an epidural for labor pain control. The anesthesia physician on call is notified and is on the unit within 15 minutes. Due to the patients advanced dilation and history