The Effects Of Stress On Human Health

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Stress has received so much attention in the past few decades of research and studies. This is due to its large impact on the lives of human being as it primarily affects our daily adaptation and functioning. Stress has also been largely associated with adverse effects on mental health and physical health of people. Due to these adverse effects on human health, the capability of an individual to function socially and cognitively is impaired. The impacts of stress should be handled well by the person affected because this could lead to worse outcomes if the person was unable to use the proper coping mechanisms. Psychological stress is largely affected and determined by the level of perceived stress or our subjective perception of stress. Psychological …show more content…

Stress, according to Billeter-Koponen and Freden (as cited in Donnelly, 2014), can also be either harmful or detrimental called distress or positive and helpful called eustress. This stress can threaten the person’s health negatively depending on the people's perception and the daily adaptation of an individual (Donnelly, 2014). Stress not only inhibits individual functioning but also causes detrimental effects in psychological functioning, emotional strain, and physical strain (Lopresti, 2014). All of these symptoms and effects of stress are particularly evident on college students who experience these circumstances every day. According to Gall, Evans, Bellerose, and Mallinckrodt, (as cited in Zajacova, Lynch, & Espenshade, 2005), one of the most prevailing causes of stress in college which has been broadly studied is academic stress. Also, according to Felsten et al.(as cited in Zajacova, Lynch, & Espenshade, 2005), it was found that stress in college has negative effects in the academic performance and persistence of the …show more content…

A number of studies have found that pet ownership leads to stress reduction among individuals. This study has been supported by a number of reports wherein pet owners tend to have less visits on their physician in contrast to non-pet owners who were reported to have more check-ups (Barker, Knisely, McCain, Schubert, & Pandurangi, 2010). According to Siegel et al. (as cited in Tower & Nokota, 2006), dog ownership has been associated with frequent visits outdoor and more contact with their pets which contributes positively to the mental and physical health that could prevent the detrimental effects of stress on an individual. Researchers have also discovered that stressors were perceived by pet owners as a challenge needed to be accomplished and solved rather than as threat that should be avoided. According to Rost, Hartmann, McNicholas, and Collis (as cited in Beetz, Julius, Turner, & Kotrschal, 2012), pet owners facing stressful situations usually turn to their animals when they need emotional and social support. Pet owners who lack the support that they need from their environment would benefit from owning a pet which would enhance their psychological health and ability to cope with stress (Antonacopoulos & Pychyl, 2010). According to Mugford, M'Comisky, Peretti, and Serpell (as cited in Wilson, Goodie, &Stephens, 2013), animal

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