Aeneas Research Paper

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“I sing of warfare and a mas at war. From the sea-coast of Troy in early days. He came to Italy by destiny. To our Lavanian Western shore, a fugitive, this captain” (Fitzgerald, & Hardie 2000). Aeneas was the son of the goddess Aphrodite and Prince Anchises, which made him a first cousin to Hector, soon to the king of Troy. Due to his involvement in the Trojan War, Aeneas has had an interesting life and would love to share it with the world on the show Keeping up with Aeneas. This is a reality television show where we follow Aeneas on his journeys after Troy and meanwhile, help him find love. Unfortunately, after the war ended and Aeneas escaped Troy with his father and son, though his wife did not make it, so as a part of the show we would …show more content…

Aeneas’ relationship to the king contributed to the “prominent part in defending his city against the Greeks during the Trojan War, being second only to Hector in ability” (Anderson 2015). Seeing as how Aeneas was such a hero to Troy recently, he is popular and would draw viewers interest to the show. In addition to Aeneas’ sacrifices for the war, he proved his devotion for his city. According to the poet Virgil “Aeneas, who had fought bravely to the last, was commanded by Hector in a vision to flee and to found a great city overseas” (Anderson 2015). As of right now, Aeneas is beginning his journey to Italy, where he is said to become an ancestor of the men who found a great empire. This alone would make for an extremely surprising and eventful reality show. Although some may say “Aeneas did not like his subordinate position, and from that suggestion arose a later tradition that Aeneas helped betray Troy to the Greeks,” this statement is not true because Aeneas proved his love for his family and Troy at the end of the war. Which is why he would be a great fit for reality television watchers (Anderson …show more content…

Aeneas was born by the forbidden romance between Aphrodite and Prince Anchises. It is said that during the Trojan War “Aphrodite protected him throughout the war, and was also helped by Apollo, and even Poseidon who normally favored the Greeks” (Karas & Megas). Being the son of a goddess and a prince makes Aeneas a very unique person, and his key relationships with many people add to the adventure in his life. As we know, at the end of the war Aeneas’ lost his wife in a crowd of chaos and when he went back in to search for her, she was nowhere to be found. Later, she appeared to him as a ghost telling him he needed to continue on his voyage to the new land where he would found a new city and find a new wife. As a part of the show, we would love to help Aeneas find his new wife because he truly deserves it and this would add more entertainment to the