
Benefits Of Aesthetic Education

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INTRODUCTİON Aesthetics comes from the ancient Greek word “aesthesis” that has two meanings like sensation and emotion. The word aesthetics was used at the German philosopher A. G. Baumgarten's work of art "Aesthetica” first. He thought that aesthetic phenomenon is sensorial, so he gave the name aesthetics to this philosophy branch. Although this branch of philosophy was not known as “aesthetics”, the aesthetics problems were examined before. Since the early ages, the philosophers have been interested with these problems. It can be seen in Plato, Aristoteles and then the Italian renaissance philosopher, painter and also inventor Leonardo Da Vinci and Shaftesbury at the 18th century. However, Baumgarten is the father of the name of aesthetics …show more content…

Aesthetic education helps people to make aesthetic judgments. It teaches feeling, having fun, conducting emotions correctly .Aesthetic education encourages people to be creative. Aim of aesthetic education is meeting the needs of sensory, cognitive and emotional education. It tries to reveal creative force, potential and improve aesthetic thought and consciousness. Also aesthetic allows to strengthened interpersonal communication. Aesthetic education provide to choose the right and express opinions. In addition ,it highlights the productivity and support observation ,unique discoveries and personal approach. Also, it improves practical ideas. Aestehetic education increases power of design and interpretation. It develops to the handicraft and helps to synthesize. It covers the fields of fine art. It can be inside or outside of school. Aesthetic education is not based on repetition .The main purpose of aesthetic education is discovering new and different beauty. Contemporary views that the production of accumulation in philosophy of education includes understanding the art as a whole, interacting, communicating and making creative activities. Therefore fields of aesthetic education acquire new and modern qualifications. Thanks to aesthetic education, individuals have the chance to choose most appropriate form themselves. These fields of aesthetic education are …show more content…

When we talk about aesthetic education in schools we see the latent to improve ways of seeing and knowing that impact the ways in which all correction are teach. This technique teaches us to happen sharp sights of the world around us. Beginning with studies of works of art , we develop habits of mind that impact the way we approach all

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