African American Racial Inequality Essay

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As we can see, African Americans have endured racial inequality, physical abuse, stripped of their legal rights, and are still at educational, economic, and social disadvantages in society. Despite slavery, and the racial segregation (Jim Crow), African American men are more likely to be in prison than any other race in America. “The growth of the American penal system since the mid-1970s has been concentrated from among African Americans and the poor. During the period of the prison boom, African Americans were about six to seven times more likely than whites to be incarcerated” (3). Unfortunately, race and social class play a significant role in African Americans for imprisonment. Statistics show that black men without any form of education …show more content…

Black men living in low-income communities receive poor quality of education compared to white males in the suburbs who receive higher quality of education and more likely will attend college. As you can see black men are discriminated in different realms of life. There is terrible misconception about black men. For example, they have, bad values, violent, lazy, school dropouts and often reject education, make personal choices to sells drugs and join gangs. If you look close, slavery and Jim crow has denied African Americans resources. Racism has a correlation with Mass Incarceration. Systematic racism has made it hard for African Americans equal opportunities as white Americans. For example, after the Jim crow laws, practices like redlining denied African American home loans to live in nice neighborhoods and inheriting property, eventually it forced black folks to live in ghettos. Another example, families who live in nice houses, in nice neighborhoods have property taxes that pay for better education, better education, more resources, better jobs, more money. These examples have all lead up to Mass Incarceration and black