Essay On Racial Disparities Among African Americans

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This essay aims to talk about the lack of employment immediately after college and racial disparities between African American and Caucasian college graduates. Each year there are thousands of college graduates but there is a small percentage of them who become employed due to the horrific job market we are in today. African Americans who happen to graduate with a bachelor’s degree or higher have an even tougher time obtaining a job than their white classmates due to the society in which we live in. This paper argues that college education isn’t worth the time and investment for African Americans because the after effects leaves them in more debt and the rate of them being underemployed and unemployed is much higher than Caucasians.

In high …show more content…

A black college graduate earns $47,153 compared to a white college graduate who earns $59, 644. The earnings of graduate degrees, and high school dropout had me a bit dumbfounded because it’s sad to see the major differences between the two races when they are in the same circumstance.
In the article “What are African Americans doing in college? A review of the Undergraduate Degrees Awarded by U.S. Institutions to African Americans: 2005-2009” it speaks on the racial disparity between African Americans and Caucasians. The unemployment rate for African Americans is was about 13.9% in 2013 and the national unemployment rate was 7.7%. (Karanja, Austin 2014 Page 530). During the time period of February 2011 to February 2012 the unemployment rate was significantly higher for African Americans with an undergraduate degree compared to national rate. In the chart shown below you can see a distinct difference for every other race or ethnic group and Caucasians. In 2010 67.08% of white people enrolled and 72.90% of them graduated. Compared to African Americans who only had 12.37% who enrolled and 9.50% who graduated. To see numbers like that is outrageous but factors such as lack of income is major reason why African Americans cannot attend