African American Women Essay

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The meaning behind this research is to examine and explain how important it is for African-American women to seek to earn the highest level of education they can; to be able to become officeholders and hold a position in house and senate positions. Several studies have shown that there are barley any women let along black women involved in politics at all (Huffington Post), which means that there is far more history to make in this particular community. History has changed over time and yes, there are some black women that are in the office positions; however there is far more growth that is needed. There are not as little few black women involved in politics because they’re not interested, it’s more because they choose mediocre career …show more content…

Black women involvement will create a historical path for young black women to be inspired at a young age to become president or hold a seat in congress. Earning these degrees will not only put black women in chamber where they have been completely absent for the last hundred years, put it will also put their names in place for all level office positions. When African-American women are brought up from history, they are also known for not giving up their seat on the bus or boycotting some sort of white enterprise; but aren’t they still doing that today, has it made any real difference? The real way for black women to get involved and make a difference is to earn a law degree, or a Ph.D. in political studies. Most political officials have a history as a lawyer or a judge, almost every president of the United States was involved in the court system at some point in time. This career choice experience is more like a requirement, if one wants to become an officeholder. Earning the highest level of education will create black women political advancement, in order to have a say so in what happens with in their community. The number of black women in officeholder position are tight and small, however with an increase in higher level degrees’; black women representation will be set in