African American Writers: W. E. B. Dubois And Booker T.

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The African-American writers devoted a large part of their work to describing the past, which included enslavement, culture, suffering, and what the whites did for them. One of the priorities of African-American literature is to focus on enslavement as existing in one of its common called slave narratives. The African American history Considered the story of their compulsory journey from one continent to the other; a story of their suffering , oppression, slavery and liberation. African American writers focused in their works to a depiction of African cultures and the slave trade peoples of the Africans who lost their freedom and how they suffered. The African-American community faced great problems, which consisted of misery and deprivation, …show more content…

This is synonymous with slavery.
The word negro was adopted from Spanish and Portuguese and first record from the mid-16th century. It remained the standard term throughout the 17th-19th centuries and used by prominent black American campaigners such as W.E.B.Du Bois and Booker T.Washington in the early 20th-century. While well Genoa Christopher Columbus had discovered U.S.A America in 1492. Later the discovery of America, the Atlantic slave trade took a new and fast turn.
After the discovery of America opened many prospects of trade in goods and trade Africans people as slaves by the Americans. The Atlantic slave trade took a new and quick opportunity. At that time America focused on the trade of slaves and goods to become widely known as a triangular trade.
Europe became interested in a trade to Africa, by trading goods to Africa, which used ships carrying goods to African markets and then selling them there. After the trade of goods to the European markets and selling them there, the European strategy in trade turned into the slave trade and their transfer from African slave markets to America and Caribbean (West Indies) and Interested in the free trade of the goods for European