African American's Impact On The American Revolution

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The Words of War African American’s had a huge impact on the American Revolution. During this time period (1761-1776), most of the African American population were enslaved but,others were born free. Some of them helped the colonists in their fights against the British, while others helped the British fight and some even fought for both sides. For the colonists they would contribute in riots and other outbursts. The year of 1770 Crispus Attucks a black dock worker was killed in the Boston Massacre. This was the first major event for the colonists to get away from British rule. After Crispus Attucks death other blacks started to join or participate in outbursts of the colonists towards the British. Blacks participated in pre war-skirmishes with the colonists. African’s had a group called the minutemen who alerted Paul Revere when the “British were coming”. When they would have little wars against the Indians blacks would offset the manpower by fighting with them. Yet the still forbad the recruitment of African American’s. George Washington sent out an order to never enlist blacks for any possible reason. This act upset the blacks because they tried to do nothing but good to them. …show more content…

In 1775 Dunmore’s Declaration changed the lives of many blacks. His declaration clearly stated that any slave who left their american owner to fight with the British would be granted their freedom. There was one downside of this Declaration. Thousands of blacks from virginia decided to cast their trust with the British. Blacks were present for all major battles for the British such as Trenton in 1776. Most black soldiers were free and from the Northern colonies. Most blacks were freed for their war services. The ones that were unlucky had to keep fighting for their