African Americans In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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With issues such as gaining money and trying to live a life, women and Africans Americans had it tougher during the Great the Depression. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, we read about two men, George and Lennie. As both of them go to a ranch to get a job, Lennie gets in trouble with the boss’ son. After that Lennie went to the barn to go pet the puppies and on doing so he kills Curley’s wife by accident. With Lennie on the run George finally catches up to Lennis on their meeting spot, as Lennis was sitting down on a log George comes from the back and kills Lennie for his own safety against the rest of the men that were after him. Throughout the great Depression and the novel, there were shown that both women and African Americans were treated with great disrespect. Other than all the hardships of everybody during the Great Depression, African Americans had the hardest of everyone. For example, in the novel Crooks isn't permitted in the bunkhouse because of the fact that he’s “black. They play cards in there, but I can't play because I'm black”(steinbeck 68). Even the novel …show more content…

Such as Curley’s wife who barely have anything to do but to walk around the ranch and watch the men doing their work, until she told Lennie that she “don't like Curley...he ain’t a nice feel”(89). With Curley’s wife saying this it shows that she never wanted to be with him. That might also be why she walks around the ranch all day long, to get away from Curley. She only “married Curley”(88) to get away from her mother. She wanted to get away because she wanted to get as far away from her. Also she said that she could of been an famous actress but didn't because she didn't received the letter. The men on the ranch only thinks of her as an troublemaker and that's why she’s always lonely. Steinbeck introduces Curley’s wife as they were different from the white