Curley's Wife Power

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“I don’t like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella… Coulda been in the movies.”(Steinbeck 89). The book Of Mice and Men, which is written by John Steinbeck, has its main focus on an all-male ranch with a lone female. Steinbeck’s portrayal of Curley’s wife is different from all the other characters which makes her unique. Curley’s wife has power, but can also be the subject of it. The impression of Curley’s wife definitely has an impact on the impression of women as well. Power comes in many forms. Curley’s wife exercised her power over the others in a very strong way. Since she was a woman, she knew she had power over those men at camp for that single reason. She had power over Crooks, because she was a white female. “Well, you keep your place then… I could get you strung up on a tree so easily it ain’t even funny.”(Steinbeck 81). The only …show more content…

Curley’s wife was subjected to the power of her husband. He was an overly jealous man who loved to be in control. “Curley maybe ain’t gonna like his wife out in the barn with us.”(Steinbeck 78). Curley tried to control her every move. Curley’s wife knew at time she was powerless. “They left all the weak ones here.”(Steinbeck 77). Curley’s wife is calling Crooks, Lennie, and Candy weak because they didn’t go off to the whorehouse with the other guys, but here she is. She is weak by default and all her pretty dresses does not make her powerful. Steinbeck created a certain image of women by portraying Curley’s wife as she is. The impression of women that was left was not too kind. “Well, I think Curley’s married… a tart… He ain’t the first… there’s plenty done that.”(Steinbeck 28). This quote speaks to me as if women are seen as unloyal. The whorehouses in this novel did not help bring up their image. “You give me a good whorehouse every time… A guy can go in an’ get drunk and get ever’thing outa his his system all at once, an’ no messes.”(Steinbeck 56). Women are seen as exchangeable