African Americans In Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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People do not get to pick the color of their skin, yet skin color has caused great hardship for people in the world. This situation most affect towards African Americans. There would be violence if a black man did anything to a white man, but nothing happens the opposite way around. The African American would always be seen below the whites. The novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by author Mildred D. Taylor, is an excellent example of historical fiction which depicts the many struggles Blacks endured in their fight for Civil Rights. One hardship Blacks suffered was transportation to and from school. Even though Cassie still has to walk to school, she felt bad for the kids like Moe Turner because he had to walk miles to school and back home. "But there were some girls and boys like Moe who made the trek daily, leaving their homes while the sky was black and not returning until all was blackness again" (Taylor 17). Transportation to and from school was not equitable for all black students. Blacks had to walk to school, since they were not allowed to ride the bus with the white students. The transportation to and from school was a struggle for some black students because of the distance. …show more content…

Stacey tells Papa about a white boy named Jeremy Simms that has a different perspective of treating black people. " 'I told him I didn't want him walking with us, but he keeps on anyway and the white kids laugh at him 'cause he do. But he don't seem to let it bother him none.... I s'pose I like him all right. Is that wrong?' " (Taylor 157). Jeremy has his own opinion now about the differences between Blacks and Whites. As he gets older, that will most likely change because he will get treated unfairly for hanging around Blacks. Not all friendships between Blacks and Whites are