Ignorance Of African Culture Essay

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According to Ogbonmwan (2008), every society has rules, principles, norms and values that regulate and conduct its members.
In this assignment, the issue that will be the focal point and that threatens Africa’s wellbeing, is the ignorance of African values by Africans. It will base its focus on how African values that have been longstanding, are ignored by the modern day Africans, the effects of this ignorance and thereby furnish possible ramifications (solutions) on how to remedy this aforementioned issue.
In ancient or traditional Africa, the fundamentals (principles) and values that governed the entire African society, regardless of various tribal communities and ethnicities (tribal groups, e.g Zulus, Sotho. etc.) found in the African continent, were respect, Ubuntu …show more content…

But the events of Xenophobia was an indication that Africans have lost touch with the traditional African values.
Ubuntu is, in the modern day African societies, just a theoretical fairy-tale, its’s written in books, thesis of African theology, but it’s not being put into practised.
Meredith (2016:10) states that the basic cultural values in traditional African societies are manifestations of African humanism, he further states that African values systems are in Africa and should stay in Africa.
I completely concur with his statement but the problem is that, these values, in as much as there are there and are known to African but they’re not being put into practice. How long has the song of “Africa unite” been sang but no transformation seemed to taken place. This ignorance of these values are unarguably one of the reasons why Africa is one of the resourcefully wealthy yet economically challenged continents on the face of mother Earth today.
How could these values be preserved? How could they be reinstated? How could they be practised