After Haiti By Leonard Pitts Essay

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Everyday, humans experience different situations that can change them for the better, or possibly for the worse. Often times things that happen that change who we are, are based on what other people have done to us. Things like robbery, winning the lottery, finding money on the ground, and many more scenarios have played a part in people's lives for years. When cruel things happen to us, we always want to look at someone and point a finger. But what if the cruel situation, came from the one thing or person, who you thought could never do you wrong. The earth that all humans call home, often have destructive situations that harm many people all over the world. Leonard Pitts explains in his article after Haiti got hit with the two natural disasters, that often times the Earth can be just as cruel as human beings, and their is …show more content…

Pitts uses the main example of Haiti in his article above. The article first explains that the capital of the small, poor nation was first hit with a 7.0 magnitude monster of an earthquake. Not long after that event struck the people of Haiti, they were hit hard again. Haiti has been known to get many hurricanes over the years, killing thousands of people. After the earthquake in the Capital, Haiti was struck with another horrible hurricane. "After all that, comes this latest insult -- and a death toll officials cannot begin to even imagine. Perhaps as many as 100,000, they were saying on Wednesday." Along with this hurricane, and many others, that have hit this poor nation, have killed hundreds, of thousands, of people. Haiti isn't the only nation that has been hit by horrible natural disasters. Pitts explains in his article that places such as Oklahoma, with horrible tornados, or California with storms beyond belief, and many more places suffer from the horrible behavior the earth is able to