Dr. Martin Luther King's The Letter Of Birmingham Jail

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Words can do many different things such as to provoke, calm and inspire. People’s words can provoke others by having them hear someone say something to them that they had to someone else and feel not too well about it. Words can calm others by reassuring them that everything is fine. Words can also inspire humans. Words are so powerful that they can provoke many different people. A white girl named Hazel Bryan was fifteen years old when she had shouted at and called names at a black girl named Elizabeth Eckford. Hazel had found out Elizabeth Eckford’s number and had called and apologized to her, but "Still, Hazel never stopped thinking about the picture and making amends for it" (Margolick 12). When Hazel was young she did not care about the …show more content…

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote “The Letter of Birmingham Jail” on the corners of the newspaper when he was in a jail cell. He wrote this letter to clergymen who had said that what he is doing in Birmingham is unwise and not very positive. Dr. King talks about how white men treated black men as if they were not from America even if they are and what King says about that is that “Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds” (King 272). What King is initially saying is that no one is an immigrant if they live anywhere in America no matter what race, or ethnicity. This calms people because if they are darker toned then they may get comments saying they are immigrants when they really aren’t and that they are American. Robert Kennedy was going to give a campaign speech but when he got the news that Martin Luther King was assassinated he changed the speech to talk about his death. Robert Kennedy said we could go on not loving one another “Or we can make an effort, as Martin Luther King did, to understand, and to comprehend, and replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand, compassion, and love." (Kennedy 3). Robert Kennedy giving a speech on how Martin Luther King wanted peace and love instead of on a presidential campaign speech really calms and informs the younger people and even older …show more content…

Sam Cooke is a singer/ song-writer and wrote the song “A Change is Gonna Come.” In the song he sings, “There have been times that I thought I couldn't last for long but now I think I'm able to carry on” (Cooke 5). Sam Cooke is saying here that although life gets tough and you feel like you won’t be able to make it, just to know you will make it through and be glad you did at the end of it. This could inspire people by simply knowing you are strong enough to continue and that you should want to continue life. Martin Luther King Jr. is a person that will always continue to inspire others. The speech Dr. King was very powerful enough to inspire people to change the fact racism still exists in America. Dr. King says, “We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote” (King ). The African Americans in Mississippi were not able to vote while the African Americans voting saw no point in voting when every presidential candidate is for segregation. This inspires many people because it will make people understand that blacks cannot legally do many of the things whites were able to