Loneliness In Of Mice And Men

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There are many characters in the book ‘’Mice and Men’’ that can be considered lonely and full of sorrow. The character I find that has the most loneliness is the character George Milton. There is a horrible past of George and a future. Although George has Lennie with him he has the worst company than anyone in the novel. George had a Job in the town weed at the beginning of the book, but all of that got taken away by a mistake Lennie made. He has to take care of every little thing. Personally I find if there is a problem most people go to George. At the beginning of the book George says if he didn't have to drag Lennie along he could have a house and a girl and a farm. When he has to take care of Lennie they finally get to the town soledad. Both Lennie and George think he could be a fresh start. It was not the best farm in the world but they had a plan. Throughout the book the plan is being made to get a new farm but more people find out and George is the one who has to put up with it. George has …show more content…

At a point I think he is doing this on purpose there are so many things George has to fix, sometimes it is not even lennie. He has to put up with Candy, Curly, Curlys wife. He is way more lonesome than anyone else. At the end of the book Lennie makes his final mistake. Curlys wife walks in and starts messing with Lennie knowing this will get to George somehow. George told Lennie not to talk to her. Curlys wife starts talking to Lennie. Lennie likes soft things. Curley's wife lets Lennie feel her soft hair which is a big mistake. Lennie can't resist her soft hair and starts to pull on it. That leads her to scream and Lennie holds her mouth to stop the screaming but ends up breaking her neck. He doesn't know his own strength. He runs away surprisingly where George told him to. Candy sees the body first knowing the dream farm is over. Then George finds out and he knows what he has to