The Iliad Compare And Contrast Essay

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Have you ever read a book and wondered if it’s exactly like the movie? Many literary works have been recreated into a film. This a result of the director's vision which recreates a more modern version of the book. An example of this is the book “ The Iliad” and the movie Troy. The film Troy and the book “The Iliad” display many characteristics that can be compared and contrasted. Achilles and Hector play a major role continuously throughout the movie and the book. In the movie Hector was killed by Achilles with a sword and in the book, Hector was killed with a spear. These two aspects contrast each other because the choice of weapons was completely different in the killing of hector.”Achilles sharp spear brandished in his right hand, as he sought to work evil on noble Hector, searching for the likeliest place to land a blow on his fair flesh.” (Book XXII:247-366 The Death of Hector). The similarities between Achilles and Hector that appear in the book and the movie are, an act of showing honor. Achilles wants to be respected and treated with honor and Hector wants to fight for his father and show honor to the gods. The fight between the two is based on honor and family. …show more content…

In the movie, Agamemnon's men are scared to get Briesies out of Achilles place of living. In the book, Agamemnon's men come to get Briseis and Troy knows it is just the job of the soldiers. These differences occur because in the movie Brie sees was a love interest of Achilles but in the book she more or less than a war prize. I feel the director used this as a focal point to really display the differences in their reactions. The similarities between Agamemnon, Briseis, and Achilles showed ownership because Agamemnon owned Briseis which he gave to Achilles to