Achilles Research Paper

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Imagine a showdown between two men, two killing machines, fighting each other until only one remains. This man is Achilles. Achilles is a man who is strong and powerful, but he is also under appreciated by the king he served. Achilles was a strong individual that knows what he’s worth. He is the descendant of a goddess and a king. Achilles is a hero because he was loyal, determined, and empathetic. Achilles was loyal to the achaean army and his friends and family throughout the Iliad. He joined the achaean army and he killed Hector to avenge Patroclus’ death. “Hector is hit by my spear first, losing his life and paying me compensation for killing Menoetius' son, Patroclus” (Homer 22. 93-95). He killed Hector on behalf of Patroclus’ showing that even after his friend’s death he would slay the one who slayed him. Achilles also showed how heroic he is by his determined demeanor. “If a like fate has been set, then once I'm dead, I'll just lie there. But for now, let me seize great glory—let me make so many Trojan and Dardan matrons weep, and with both hands wipe tears from their soft cheeks, and set them on to …show more content…

Achilles was a great warrior who stayed loyal to the people close to him which was shown through his actions throughout the Iliad. He also showed determination from the beginning of the tale to the end. He showed Agamemnon that he deserved more and wouldn’t stick around if he wasn’t going to give him the respect he deserved. He was also determined to avenge Patroclus’ death whether he had to die or not. His forgiveness and empathy towards Priam added to his heroic characteristics, because he was able to give back Hector’s body and mourn with Priam. Achilles throughout this story showed a different kind of hero. He didn’t have the most selfless attitude or the most kind personality, but he was able to help the achaeans and let Priam and the Trojan people mourn