Similarities Between The Iliad And The Aeneid

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A hero comes with characteristics you must follow, but upon different cultures, that view can vary. In the Iliad and the Aeneid, different perspectives are shown which drive the sense of who is more qualified to be a hero in their culture. In reality, most heros will have most of the same ideals in them, however there can be some differences that set them apart from each other. Although it is clear that Achilles and Aeneas could be the heroes of their story, they are still set apart from each other. The heroes are alike, but contrast each other in Greek and Roman literature. Although both cultures differentiate, some parts help demonstrate and steer them in some ways of having the same hero ideals. . The Greek hero is less ideal and critical …show more content…

Homers characters seemed to be more interested in their honor and reputation far more than the characters in the Aeneid. Aeneid characters represent themselves as being more connected with human emotions than the ones in the Iliad, including Achilles most of all. This all shows how the Aeneid is more romantic and caring than the Iliad, causing the culture expectations for a hero more meaningful. Another reason why the Roman ideal hero is more meaningful than the Greeks ideal hero is because of the obstacles and problems the characters had to face. Achilles did not worry about the war until right at the very end before Hector 's death. He worried about the war until after Patroclus died and he only killed Hector as an obstacle. It is clear that Achilles was ravaged in anger in his best friends death when he says, “Hector, had you thought that you could kill Patroclus and be safe? Nothing to dread from me; I was not there. All childishness. Though distant then, Patroclus 's comrade in arms was greater far than he and it is who had been left behind that day beside the deep sea ships who now will rip your body. His will lie in honor, when the Achaeans give him funeral” …show more content…

The basic hero qualifications are present in both books to portray how Aeneas and Achilles can be considered the heros. Overall, both men were fighting for their people, and for their loved ones lives. They also did not fear death and run away before after the fall of Trojan began. When the Greeks were losing terribly, Achilles still stepped in to assist them. Achilles also never left the war after he committed to participate in it. He demonstrated how sure he is about continuing the war after killing Hector when he says, “Dear venerable sir, you’ll sleep outside tonight, in case an Achaean officer turns up, one of those men who are forever taking counsel with me- as well they may. If one should see you here as the dark night runs on, he would report it to the Lord Marshal Agamemnon.Then return the body would only be delayed. Now tell me this, and give me a straight answer: How many days do you require for the funeral of Prince Hector?- I should know how long to wait, and hold the Achaean army” (Fitzgerald 271). In another word, he is not backing down from the war just because he killed who he wanted to. This portrays his loyalty to the Greeks in helping them be victorious in the battle. As Troy went up in flames, Aeneas stayed there to encourage others to help him fight even if they died. He was risking his family never seeing him, which

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