After Receiving A Call About A Burglary

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Type of Crime: Burglary
After receiving a call about a burglary, I will do the following:
Step #1: Secure the crime scene
DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING THAT THE OFFENDER LEFT BEHIND! Ask the victim(s) what belongings they have lost.
Step #2: Assess the crime scene
First, determine whether this crime scene was an accident, murder, or suicide. Walk through the crime scene and look for any evidence that may be relevant to the case. A drawn-to-scale sketch of the crime scene is also required because this shows a clear perspective of the investigation. Once you find a piece of evidence, make sure you photograph it first! Take one photo for each item. This proves where the material was located before it was moved elsewhere. After each area of the crime scene is finally photographed, investigators can start collecting the evidence to bring back to the lab for analysis. When it comes to a burglary, investigators should look for broken glass in windows/doors, tool marks for forced entry, tire marks, fingerprints, footprints, hairs, fibers, or anything the burglar left behind. Dust all fingerprints and footprints. Make sure all evidence is packaged in an envelope. All evidence must be noted clearly, documented properly, secured well and transferred to the lab for analysis. Before leaving the crime scene, interview a couple witnesses about what they saw or heard about the incident. Make sure to gather general information such as name, address, their statement, etc. Any type of information would be helpful. …show more content…

Remember to process it properly. For the fingerprints and footprints, figure out the unique characteristics of each print. This would make it easier for investigators to match the features between the print from the crime scene and the database. Whether or not you have a match, record your results and write a