Afterlife Essay

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Throughout the years and even today people have different views or ideas about the afterlife. Some people based those ideas on their religion or just in a widely accepted idea within their civilization. But what all of these civilizations had in common was that their view in the afterlife was a necessary feature that would determine their way of living. The Israelites, Greeks, Indians all had different beliefs in the afterlife, yet all of them were ruled by their beliefs to tell them how to live life. The Israelites were a group of people from the Middle East that believed in the idea of there being just one God. The book that they read which is also known as the bible has many detailed views on how a person should live. In the books of Exodus …show more content…

And in his anger he breaks the tablets with the commandments that God had given him. After doing this God is also angered by the hypocrisy of these people and he punishes them to never reach the promised neverland and wander in the desert for 40 years. The ten commandments where a set of rules that would tell people how to live their lives in order to be able to please God and be able to go to the afterlife or also known as the promised land which the first generation as told in the story was not able to because of their disobedience towards God. And unlike any other religion or belief those people that disobeyed God were sent to …show more content…

“ Unlike the modern concept of Hell, this "House of Hades" (as the Greeks called it) was not primarily a place of punishment. Poets wrote of a place called Elysium (Elusion) where certain souls, chosen by the gods, enjoyed a happy afterlife.” The afterlife for the Greeks was nothing to fear unlike the Jews. The people didn’t really have any God given rules and the people in Greece just followed the earthly rules given to them by their rulers. Unlike the Jews the Greeks had no negative views on the afterlife. And even Odysseus, a famous Epic Hero was able to enter the House of Hades once. In the Book of The Odyssey Chapter 10 “ Reach the House of Hades and of revered Persephone, there consult with the soul of Teiresias the Theban” While the afterlife for the Jews was a place of suffering the Greeks had a way different view of it and where even allowed to visit the souls of the dead if permitted to by the

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