Against Driverless Cars

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Driverless Cars

Two years ago in 2015, a driverless car known as the Roadrunner drove across the country. This test was done over the span of nine days.This proves that driverless cars are the future. With newer technology coming every day, it is hard to ignore them. These innovations need to be able to flourish. Self driving cars should be legal starting will taxi-like services because it will help society by reducing traffic, prevent accidents, and will provide a way for disabled and blind people to get to work easily. Self driving cars will reduce accidents. In the circumstance one does get into an accident, it will not be too catastrophic . "To prove that an automated driving system performed unreasonably, an injured plaintiff would likely …show more content…

Since the computers calculate operation of the vehicle safely, driving time could be reduced by faster speeds allowed on the road” (Top 20). Since the drivers are all going the same speed then there will be less traffic because there isn 't drivers going different speeds. Also none of the driverless cars will cut each other off so there will be no road rage. “‘Driving is hard. It’s tiring. And it’s a bit dangerous… it’s imperative we fix some of this stuff,’ he says. ‘Plus, the amount of time we spend tied up in traffic, having to concentrate – that’s a criminal waste of humanity’” (Montenegro). Sometimes, driving can be difficult if one is trying to multitask, and no one wants to drive when they are distracted. But when there is a car driving it 's not as bad because as a human driver because the driver doesn 't have to stay in the same place. Instead, the driver could potentially move around when the cars get more advanced the driver could sit in the back. “One of the leading causes of traffic jams is selfish behavior among drivers. It has been shown when drivers space out and allow each other to move freely between lanes on the highway, traffic continues to flow smoothly, regardless of the number of cars on the road” (10 benefits). The reasons for these accidents are because of selfish driving and not being focused on the road. Instead the self driving cars are …show more content…

Driverless cars are also better for elderly and disabled people. “The Ruderman Family Foundation and Securing America 's Future Energy (SAFE) finds that by removing the sorts of mobility obstacles that driverless cars resolve, it would allow 2 million more people with disabilities to get to work” (Snyder). So with driverless cars a disabled person they would not have to actually drive the car. (Snyder). Vehicle ownership could decline as much as 43% in the US once the driverless cars are more and more used according to a study by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (Thompson). Older people will not have to use all their money on the car, as they go for as little as $20,000. “If you’re blind, can’t walk, or you’re older and your reflexes and your memory have you concerned about driving, self-driving cars can ease the burden of transportation for you considerably” (10 Benefits). Now blind people can see as well as sighted people and can get to work just as easily. Also there could be a “Child Mode” because the parents could let their children ride in the car by themselves. And if the car breaks down when a blind person is in it the car company should make the car if the car starts to break down to turn and stop off on the side of the road. Then the blind person would just call someone