
Age Of Faith Essay

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There was many different periods during the Middle ages. One of the periods was the Dark age which held blood, gore, and death to many of Europe. The age of Faith was when many people had look toward Christianity to fix things and to get the Holy Land back. The age of Feudalism was all about people's status and how much power they had, also on land and the manor system. During the age of Faith there was problems withe the church. Priest could hardly read their prayers during church practices. Bishops did not care about being spiritual leaders but in their positions that they held. Bishops had sold positions in the church to anyone they wanted to. Village priests started to get married and have children, which was against the church law. Kings …show more content…

The Muslims controlled Palestine which is also called the Holy Land (Beck,762). During the crusades kings and the church used the Crusades as an advantage to get rid of knights because they had threatened the peace between the kingdoms and sometimes the church property. The first Crusade was not organized because the army had no strategy and they could not decide on a leader. The second Crusade was organized because they had a strategy but they had still got defeated by the Muslims. The third Crusade had three leaders: Philip II of France, Frederick I the German emperor, and Richard the Lion-Hearted who was the English king (Beck,764). In the end Philip II decided to not go through with the plan because Richard and him had gotten in a fight. Also Frederick I drowned on his way to battle (Beck,764). Richard the Lion-Hearted was left to lead this Crusade, during the war Richard and Saladin decided to end the war and call a truce. The fourth Crusade was not successful at all because they did not make it to the Holy Land but instead they had looted Constantinople (Beck,765). The children's Crusade had two groups join together to conquer Jerusalem. The children believed that God would give them Jerusalem (Beck,765). Many children had died from starvation and the freezing weather. The rest of the children had drowned or either sold for slavery (Beck,765). Soon more children gathered

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