Feudalism In The Middle Ages

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The middle ages in Europe, and North America was a dark period in time. Sickness, violence, and feudalism were the reason to this period. Bodies were strewn everywhere. Children were locked in their homes, never able to see the light of day. No one was safe. 600 to 1400 was a dark period for everyone. Europe to Asia to North America and all the rest were in misery. It was a terrible time for everyone. Going outside was a task in itself. First off, sickness was at large in the middle ages. Mainly called the Plague, but is also called the Black Death, Bubonic Plague, and Pneumonic Plague. The website The Middle Ages, states “Since China was one of the busiest of the world's trading nations, it was only a matter of time before the outbreak of plague in China spread to western Asia and Europe. In October of 1347, several …show more content…

The Finer Times article on Feudalism In The Middle Ages says “The feudal system of the Middle Ages was like a pyramid of power with specific hierarchy. At the bottom of the pyramid, there were serfs, peasants and villeins. The descending order of the pyramid of power of feudal system was the king, members of nobility, knights, archbishop, freemen, yeomen, servants, serfs, peasants, villeins”. It was unfair to the people of lower ranks who had no freedom and very little to no money. Those of lower ranks got killed more often. Others had to provide protection, food, and even land to others. Peasants and Serfs worked hard all day to make money for their lords. The members of the nobility had luxury and freedom. It was very unfair. Owl Cation’s ‘15 Facts About Feudalism” explains “The system had a very strict hierarchy where everyone knew their place. You were born into your social position, whether you were royalty, a baron, lord, knight, serf, or peasant, and you kept that position until you died”. You were either born into an easy life, or a hard life. That was just the way it