The Dark ages describe a period of time which is also called the Middle Ages ranging from approximately 500AD to 1500AD. The Dark Ages were in Europe. The Dark Ages was debatable. There should be a reason for why they were called Dark. So the question is where they really dark? Some say yes, some no. But I believe that the Dark Ages were maybe so dark. People have different opinions about the Dark Age. They are all different, some say yes, some say no. So that is why I have picked maybe so. To see both sides of the answer. Let’s begin. One document says that during the Middle Ages Europe suffered a decline in lots of things. “ During the Middle ages much of Europe passed through a time of turmoil and confusion, of ignorance and lawlessness. Europe suffered a decline in commerce and manufacturing, in education, in literature and the arts, and in almost all that makes possible a high civilization. Europe became a a region of poverty-stricken farming communities, each virtually isolated from …show more content…
He was in the castle of Nimwegen but could not punish the crime. The Northmen returned to their own country with many men and goods” (Document C) Again this was a modified version of the records of the Abbey of Xanten. It was written by a monk in the middle of the 9th century. Xanten is a city which in modern day is in Germany. This information should also be pretty accurate because it was written during the Dark Age and it was written where the Dark Age was happening. This article talks about how there was lots of war during the Dark Age and that people always fought for things instead of trading. So far there has been three articles, two of them say that the Dark Age was dark in the fall of economy, and one says that Europe prospered in most of its features (e.g food