Compare And Contrast The American And European Dark Ages

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The middle ages, from 600-1450 CE was a period of time that was referred to as the dark ages. Though this era was difficult for Europe, other places such as Asia and the islamic world were going through almost the complete opposite experience. The European dark ages greatly differ from the Asian and Islamic golden ages because of the advancements they were making in the areas of mathematics, arts, government, and more. Each paragraph of this research paper will talk about the different advancements that each place made during their golden ages, and for Europe, the dark age.

Asia's golden age took place from 800-1100 CE, the Tang dynasty. During this period of time Asia was making many scientific, technological, and medical advancements. It was a time of innovation with …show more content…

For a period of time, Europe was actually doing fairly well but things like the plague caused things to go downhill very quickly bringing the area into the dark ages. After so much of the European population had died off, there was a change from urban to rural because there was really no need for large cities. At this period of time The European government was a feudal society. kings were at the top of this society with nobles following close behind them. After that, the knights were the next most powerful and finally the peasants were at the bottom of this system. Another thing to note would be the decline of trade going on for Europe which would cause them to have less resources. This lack of resources could have contributed to how little progress they were making. Europe didn't really have anything new to offer, practically no new inventions being created and no expansion of previous fields. This alone may not seem like a big issue, but when compared to other places that we talked about such as Asia and Islam, Europe seemed to be falling